Wednesday 15 October 2014

Who's a Fat Bastard - Over Burnaby Mountaim

October 14,  2014

     I thank God that they didn't have computer games when I was a kid. After I finished writing my blog last night I sat there and played this stupid computer game till 5:30 am.
The time just disappeared. One minute it's one thirty five a.m and Lisa's going to work, next thing you know it's 5:30 am. And the alarm goes off in two and a half hours! 
I did manage to sleep through the alarm. I have no recollection of shutting it off. I was up about 9:25 for no apparent reason. I got nothing going on. No pressing appointments, no movers and shakers eagerly awaiting my opinions. I had no reason to be out of my bed four hours after I went into it. But I was.
     I made myself a cup a Joe while the kettle was boiling I
let the dogs out into the backyard. If it's possible for a dog to cross his legs, Elvis had his crossed. It was actually Elvis that woke me up. He was standing on my chest and licking my nose. As soon as my eyes were open, he was off the bed and doing cartwheels by the bedroom door. Nutmeg won't jump down off the bed, it's too high for her. She's a talker, she makes this half whine half growl noise when she wants something. They barely made it down the back stairs before they were assuming the position! 
It was still raining so they spent only moments outside, then back inside for a nap!
I never understood that whole, "it's a dog's life" as a bad thing. Let me get this right. I sit in the Sun all day licking my nuts until some poor sap comes home and feeds me. Where do I sign up!!

     I'm still dealing with my groin issue. I rode the Iron Maiden for two episodes of Sherlock. It seems to be all I can do without pain right now. More than an hour and a half and I seemed to be fine. I made myself a ham and egg breakfast with avocado and tomato. 

I like Thanksgiving Boxing Day. Ham and eggs , turkey with gravy and sausage stuffing. It don't get any better than this! I just had the ham and eggs.
     I had some running around to do so 
I packed up the dogs. Once the fall weather comes I take them with me almost everywhere. They can stay in the car with their water bowl and I don't have to worry about them overheating. 
     I was looking for a contoured memory foam pillow for Lisa. Her doctor says it would be good for her neck.
I was headed down towards Coquitlam Center when I saw a sign saying XS cargo was closing. Thinking I might be able to get a deal had my Scottish heart warming up at the thought. I went in to take a look. It was picked over pretty good but I did pick up two packs of carpet strips to use on the ramp for $4 each. I'm going to do the ramp in the morning.
Now we were off to Walmart. 

I left the dogs with their water and the sunroof open and went in to get the pillow. Elvis, of course, barks his head off when you walk away from the truck. He stops as soon as you're out of sight. I was in and out of there in five minutes.
     I was parked beside a little strip of grass with a spindly sapling in the middle of it. 
I let Elvis and Nutmeg get out to pee. Elvis gives the sapling a good squirt. Nutmeg, she's like a pee camel. She can hold it for hours! 

My next and last stop, would be more challenging. Long and McQuade for guitar picks. The problem is there are so many wonderful guitars, it's hard to get in and out. I go through a lot of guitar picks! I have to squeeze the pick so hard my arthritis kicks in. After a few songs I can't hold on to it anymore.
Our friend Lea's dad is quite a handy fellow. He gave her a guitar pick that he had put some abrasive tape on. I could hold on to this pick without having to squeeze so hard. It worked like a charm.

I had some similar stuff at home that was the same as he had used so I did it to all my picks, and then I gave them all away. So today I made a bunch of them.
I had only been home a few minutes, when my friend Spencer stopped in. He was just passing through on his way back to the Island. He  stops in every once in awhile but never stays long. Usually he just desecrates my bathroom and takes a cup of Joe to go. He had a bonus reason for stopping today. He wanted to show off his new to him truck.
I think he got a great deal on a really nice little truck, Nissan B 2300. He couldn't have been gone two minutes when Lisa pulled into the front drive.
     We went all  New Orleans BBQ for dinner. Chicken and ribs and coleslaw. 

I was in BBQ heaven. After dinner Lisa had a shower & I tucked her into bed. It wasn't even 6:30 yet!  Lisa's call time was 2 am. That means she has to be up in six and a half hours.
     I packed up the dogs so they wouldn't drive Lisa mental
and went to visit our friend Michele. If I leave the dogs here when Lisa is in bed, Nutmeg will sit at the door, howl and scratch till you let her in. There's the tail wagging the dog for you.
     Michele was in a good mood. It was her grandsons first Thanksgiving and she spent it with her daughter Krista and her partner Anthony. 
     We had coffee and solved all the worlds 
problems. We talked about the sad state of the government and then laughed our asses off watching The Rick Mercer Report and 22 minutes. Another friend, Jacquie, was coming over for a visit so I said my goodbyes. I like Jacquie, but I knew if I was there when she got there, I would be there till midnight. There's a lot of catching up to do when you only see each other once a year! I took the long way home. Over Burnaby Mountain. It's a great view of the lights of the city. I watched a little TV. I don't even recall what show. I was preoccupied running the day backwards through my mind. Lisa was up at 1:10 and out the door fifteen minutes later. I'm still running on four hours sleep. Think I'll go to bed now.

That's all I got
Till next time.
Peace Out Y'all

©2014 Dave Squatch Ward

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