Tuesday 21 October 2014

Who's a Fat Bastard - I got the no workout blues.

October 20, 2014
Everything's Ducky at the lake.
      Today was the closest I've ever came to not writing my blog. There doesn't seem to be any reason why I'm feeling this way. I woke up about 8:30 and I made myself Cumberland sausage and eggs.

It's probably best that I eat early since I'm not doing any exercise. Every time I go back to my workout, I end up with a sore groin! I did nothing for a whole week and first day back at my workout, pain. But I didn't do any exercise today at all, first I watch an episode of Sherlock, that's a BBC show that I quite enjoy. Each episode is ninety minutes long. I was practising on the Lap Steel at the same time as well as doing the laundry. I multitask so well I'm starting to think I'm trapped in a woman's body. Thank God that woman is a Lesbian!
     At about 10:30 I got a phone call from Momma Lee. She had a shopping list of things she wanted from London Drugs. It is very difficult to understand Momma Lee on the telephone. I told her I would be there about 12:30 get her list and go do her shopping for her. It's just too frustrating to take her with me. Then I watch the second episode of Sherlock.
When I got over to Momma Lee's they were setting up for bowling. It's weird but Momma Lee is good at it. I got the list from  Momma Lee and I told her I would be back after I did the shopping. She has  dental appointment tomorrow so she has been fixated on her teeth for the last few days.
She wanted two kinds of dental pics, Colgate toothpaste, hand lotion and two boxes of Royale facial tissue. 
     You can't make any substitutions on Momma Lee's shopping list. If I brought her Kleenex instead of Royale she wouldn't use them. Part of her disease is the messages she gets from everyday things.
Like the word chicken or the colour yellow.
     I went down to London Drugs and picked up but everything she wanted. I got a call from the computer guy, my laptop fan had been replaced and it was ready for pickup.
KGB Workshop.
That only took three weeks and $155. The place is owned by a Belorussian guy who never smiles. I looked at his screen while he was working on my bill and it was all in Russian.  KGB? I found the fan on Ebay for $12, so that's a pretty good markup. Still $150 and five weeks less than Best Buy Geek Squad wanted! Then I took the dogs to Como Lake.
Nice Duck weather
I usually walk the around the lake a couple of times. Today I just walked halfway around the lake. There's a big field and I let them run. Which they do for two minutes then sit on my feet staring up at me. "Go Play!" I say to them. "I'm a big suck, and I'm babying my groin." They don't care! I spent about a half an hour at the park with the dogs, sitting on a bench, while Elvis barks at every dog that goes by.
Elvis, the King of Jerk dogs!
     About 4:15 I went back to Momma  Lee's with her London drug goodies. All the old gals get excited when Elvis and Nutmeg are there. I sit and chat with Momma Lee until her dinner comes. Pack up the dogs and go home.
     I got the house cleaned up and ready for the lovely Lisa when she got home about 7:30. Lisa brought home shepherds pie for dinner. I didn't eat the potato, just the shepherd! An hour later Lisa was in bed.
     Using the headphones I practised on the lap steel again while watching PVR'd episodes of Hawaii Five O. And now its 12:30 and I've spent 15 minutes writing this. Well actually, I haven't written it yet. I've just dictated it to my tablet. Also I was pretty lame with the photos today. I really noticed a difference in my energy level now that I'm not working out. I don't like it! 
     I can still ride the Iron Maiden and I'm getting back on her  tomorrow. I never really thought the rainy season bothered me. I know that some people have a problem with the amount of gray and rain that we have over the winter.  I don't recall ever having a problem with it before.  I think it's the lack of exercise. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

That's all I got.
Till next time
Peace Out Y'all

©2014 Dave Squatch Ward

1 comment:

  1. Hey Squatch - Groin pulls are nasty. Unfortunately the only thing you can do is what you are doing ... waiting the time. Patience and some VERY light stretching is the ticket to being able to get back at it from what I can remember - which may be suspect (my memory). The dull weather can't be helping either. Hope it all gets better for ya soon.
