February 21, 2015
The Horvats and I |
It was a calm and quiet Saturday morning interspersed with moments of panic. After a couple of cups of Joe I got ready to go do my workout. It didn't happen! There was a knock on the back door and my tenant Chris was standing there. "We have a problem in the bedroom" he said. I said "It's none of my business but you might want to try Viagra." he said "No seriously" I went down and in the corner of the room there was dampness on the floor and some slime that may have been mold.
When Chris and Tamara moved in four years ago I told them, if there is ever a problem in the suite I want to know immediately if not sooner. They have been great about that. Of course most of the problems were related to water squirting out of pipes, or dripping out of faucets. That's kind of hard to ignore. I've taken care of all of those problems. Knock on wood. Try to visualise me tapping my head. I went and got the tools I needed to first, peel off the baseboards and check for moisture or mold. The drywall and behind the baseboards was perfectly dry. Thank you. Six years ago I totally redid the suite after a flood. I cut the drywall out three feet up and replaced all the wet wood with new. I ended up doing all the walls in the suite chasing moisture and mold.
Tamara cleaned up the floor and put her dehumidifier into the room. I was in there this morning putting the base boards back on and it looks good. Everything was nice and dry. Where the dampness came from is a mystery.
Even though I was dressed to go do my workout, procrastination took hold. Hey, its not like I was doing nothing. I grabbed a cup of drippy Joe, sat at the computer and wrote yesterday's blog. By the time I was done with that I had run out of excuses. So off to the green room I go. Fifteen sets of my five floor exercises and 200 One Stair Steps.
When I came upstairs after my workout the lovely Lisa was well into preparations for dinner. She was making a garlic rice pilaf, asparagus and an absolutely beautiful Squatch like salad
to go along with the Squatch Baked Fried Chicken and steaks I was going to do on the BBQ.
We like to feed our guests well before we take their money playing cards.
Dinner was for 6:30 and our friends usually show up around 6:00. Around 5:00 I was starting to prep my Squatch Baked Fried Chicken. It"s different every time I make it, depending on what I have at hand. About ten minutes later Duffy showed up.
Duffy, in a moment of contemplation |
He has no wife so he can do what he wants. I was happy to see him because now I could watch the hockey game on the TV in the living room instead of being banished to Tiny TV Town.
Gordy, Penny and M B Ho all showed up at about 6:00. We watched the end of the Maple Loafs game, and this is the most incredible thing. Not only did the Maple Laffs win the game, the Crescent Moon and Venus were visible in the same sky. That might not happen again for years! The Loafers winning I mean! Not quite a blue moon, but pretty close. I didn't have enough Panko to do the chicken
so I added a pouch of shake and bake for pork, garlic powder, Parmesan cheese, ginger and Italian herbs. In the egg wash, salt and pepper. The chicken was a hit with the everyone except for MB Ho. He can't eat cheese. I don't know why, nor, come to think of it do I really care. Love my left over Squatch Baked Fried Chicken.
Dr Dan, Ryland the Explorer and Julia showed up just as we finished eating. They had come out to see Mama Lee.
Mama Lee and Julia |
My friends are an ungrateful lot.
My Friends |
Not only did they eat well, they hosed the lovely Lisa and I at cards. They were taking the whole Screw Your Neighbour thing pretty seriously. The good news is I was broke. I only had enough cash for one game. So the lovely Lisa had to buck up for me on the other three games. Wow, did she ever get boned! I on the other hand, only lost a Toonie! Gord won twice, MB Ho and Duffy each won once. I tossed the inconsiderate, money grubbing bastards out at 11:30 or so. I had no choice, the lovely Lisa lost all her money!
February 22, 2015
This is definitely the readers digest version coming up. Not only am I feeding you a double, it could easily be a triple because as I sit here it's 4:00 Monday afternoon and I just finished writing about Saturday.
I was back on track on Sunday. Two cups of drippy Joe and I was in the Green Room sweating to the oldies. I don't know why but when I got to my usual fifteen sets, I kept going. I added five more sets and I did them like I meant them. 200 One Stair Steps later and I was feeling really good.
I came up stairs and told the lovely Lisa I was Jonesing for Fish Tacos at Woody's. I have been ever since Super Bowl. I haven't been back to Woody's since that tragic play, I mean day. I was having trouble keeping my food down and Woody's kept reminding me of it
It was just after noon when I got out of the shower. I missed last Sunday's Weigh Day so I faced down my accuser with subdued optimism. I have been stuck at 280 - 283 lbs for what seems like forever. I have had a couple of days when I didn't work out and a couple of carb filled pigout extravaganzas, but mostly I stick to my lifestyle changes. Everybody knows diets don't work. Even before I stepped onto the scale I told myself it doesn't matter. It's just a number. I feel great. I really do. I walk for miles besides doing my workouts, and I mostly eat sensibly. Maybe this is what I'm supposed to weigh at this time in my life. So when I started losing the weight and saw the progress I was making in my over all fitness level, I told myself to focus on how I feel. That's what I was telling myself again. I had just increased my workout by 50% and felt good doing it. As I went to step on the scale I relised I didn't have my camera. So I ran buck naked into the kitchen where I had left my phone. You should have seen the look on the lovely Lisa's face! I once again moved towards the scale then I thought, I need to pee. That's gotta weigh something. It was weird because I usually pee in the shower. Okay, I'm back at the scale. These digital scales are cool, the numbers dance around like a slot machine then blink three times, and there you are, a little bit less of a Fat Bastard.
Finally beat the 280 mark.Woo Hoo, I smell a speedo! |
It was another spectacular Left Coast February Spring day. The Daffies and Crocuses or is that Croci, were competing with the Azaleas for the most beautiful flowers, while mental midgets walked around in flip flops and shorts. C'Mon man! IT WAS 9 DEGREES! That's only warm relative to the plight of our fellow snow bound, fast frozen Canuck brethren on the wrong side of the Rockies. I'm pretty sure that's cold enough to kill a Mexican!
We loitered for a few moments in the parking lot standing in the sun and smelling spring in the air. Did I mention it's February.
Notice the rays of sunshine. |
I was in my seat and salivating for fish tacos before the lovely Lisa could blow $10 on government sponsored gambling. We ordered our drinks and the lovely Lisa perused the menu, just about forever!
Ten minutes later she ordered the fish tacos!
One of the fish tacos. I swallowed the first one like a Boa Constricter eating a rat!. |
We were playing NTN poker and I didn't bring any eye glasses so I was kind of guessing at what I had. I'm not a very good guesser. I was betting trip 8's when an 8 came on the board. When I lost the hand to a pair of kings the lovely Lisa pointed out my pocket pair of 8's was a 9 and a 3. It only got worse from there. On the bright side, in an hour the lovely Lisa was number 7 on the monthly high rollers list!
We went to the Stupor Store on the way home. Chef Boy R Lisa needed a few things for work and I needed cashews. The last half of that sentence is the reason that society is disintegrating. We have lost the ability to tell the difference between what we need and what we want. I need food. I want cashews. At least I can still tell the difference. I needed three tins! Hey, they were on sale!
When we got home I was banished to tiny TV Town for the Canucks game. After the first period the lovely Lisa said she was going to get ready for bed and I could watch the game in spectacular high def. It was only 4:30 and her wake up call was 2:15. That's late for a Monday. With eight minutes left in the game and the Canucks well ahead the phone rang. Willy had told me last night that they were going to try to do a Jam at the Legion on Ridgeway at 5:30. I told him I would try to make it but had totally forgotten. I grabbed my guitar and amp and went to Jam. There were quite a few people there when I walked in. On stage playing an old country tune were three guitar players, a bass player, a drummer and a Gal with a washboard and a Harmonica. The group that was on the stage played a few more tunes and then took a break. I was going up next, after the break, Coors light in hand, I plugged in and was joined on stage by a drummer and a bass player. They were both black so I started in to a little Downchild Blues Band. Is that racist? Because I didn't think it was at the time. These guys had been up with the country guys and I thought, I can list all the great black country stars I know on one finger. Charlie Pride. Considering we had never played together before we did a pretty good job. Even put bodies on the dance floor. At one point there were seven of us on stage including the Washboard Gal who sang some really nice harmonies. Usually at a Jam if you get three songs your lucky. We did a forty minute set covering a few three chord blues tunes and a couple of my own songs. After the set I hung out with Willy and Annie while another guitar player used my amp. I was home about 8:30 and ate chicken and salad. I have no pictures of the jam. I was Jamming.
I am at the dentist at 8:00 tomorrow morning. I did nothing while I should have been writing this. This thing doesn't write itself you know! It's now 6:15 Monday evening. The lovely Lisa is in bed and I'm going to add the pictures and be done with this posting. I had a full day today. I'll tell you about it tomorrow!
That's all I've got
Till Next time
Peace out Y'all
©2015 Dave Squatch Ward